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Lifeboat Marketplace Team Rules

Team Rules

Not following any of the below rules may result in being removed from the team regardless of severity or the time of infraction.

  1. Any information, websites/links, and assets (files, maps, add-ons, etc.) are exclusively for use within the Lifeboat Marketplace Team, unless said otherwise.
    • Do not share files with anyone outside of the LMT, unless authorized by a Team Lead.
    • Do not share privileged information outside of the LMT, unless authorized by a Team Lead.
      • "Privileged information" may be things said in chat, or verbally, that may affect any member, map/add-on status, or work done by anyone in the LMT. This does not include non-work related topics, such as The Great Plushie War. 
  2. Do not threaten members or leak any personal information of anyone who doesn't consent. This means anywhere at any time.
  3. Staff have the last say in any matter regarding rules. Please respect Lifeboat volunteers and staff members - we want to serve the team, the community, and have fun while doing it!! 
  4. All volunteers must always follow the Volunteer Guidelines at all times. Breaking any of the Volunteer Guidelines at any time may result in being removed from the LMT, or even all Lifeboat Volunteer teams.

Discord Server Rules

  1. Since we all use Discord for our work, we expect a good level of professionalism from everyone. This included Team Leads. That doesn't mean we can't have fun!
  2. Please refrain from advertising other servers, paid products/services, or other build teams outside of Lifeboat in the Discord. Keep that to DMs, but be aware if a member alerts a Team Lead of annoying solicitations action may be taken against the soliciting account.
  3. Please review Discord's Official Terms of Service