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Bounty Board Rules

To learn the basics and how to use the Bounty Board, see How to Use the Bounty Board.

Progress and Review

1.  You may only have one card in progress at a time with the exception of one that came back from review, or a commissioned card.
    • If a card comes back from review it will gain the “returning card from review” tag.
2. You may only have two cards that have come back from review. Once you have two cards come back from review you will not be able to take any more cards until BOTH are finished.
3. If Team Leads see someone who has cards consistently being sent back to be fixed, that someone may be limited to only having one card Pending Review AND In Progress.

Taking New Bounties

1.  Once you finish a task it can move to “Pending Review” and you may take another bounty. Move the new bounty into “In Progress."
2. You may only take bounties that correspond to your roles. Example: builders takes a builder card, touch upppers take touch up cards, modeler/animators only take modeler/animation cards, etc.

3. If you have a Group card you may not pick up another bounty until it has been approved.

    • If the Team Lead specifically says a certain person can take another card, they may take another card.
4. Multiple people can take one bounty if agreed upon by all participating. This will cause the payment to be split equally between them all.

5. Communicate with the Team Leads regarding card questions, progress, or changes to the card.

    • Changes to card can result in lower or higher pay depending on the changes.

6. If you take a card while you have one already In Progress you will be removed from the card, unless authorized by a Team Lead.

7. If you take two or more cards at the same time and finish them all you will only be paid for one card, unless authorized by a Team Lead.

    • This is here just in case the Team Leads don't catch someone with an unauthorized second+ card.

Card Claiming

1.  Since cards are on a first-come first-serve basis, the first person who adds themselves to the card will get it.
2. Do not touch a card that isn't yours! If you accidentally move a card, move it back to where you got it from right away.

3. There is no trading cards without letting a Team Lead know.

    • Team Leads need to know who is doing what, and how to split payment, if necessary.

Commission Cards

1.  Commission cards do not count toward the max card count. It is possible to see someone working on a normal card and a commission card at the same time.

2. If you have done a custom build/commission and there is no card for it, let a Team Lead know and they will create a card for you. Do not create one yourself.


1.  If a card/task is eligible, there will be directions on the card to earn a bonus.

2. Anyone can petition for more money for their build with the Team Lead if they feel it is justified.

Problems With Pay

1.  If there is a pay descepincy between what you thought the total amount you would get for a card is and the amount you actually got, please message Noslen as soon as possible!

    • This also includes the total amounts payed out at the end of the month.

2. If you don't get paid anything when you should have been paid something, please message Noslen or Foxynoobcake as soon as possible!

    • This happens when Team Leads forget to document changes. We are human, too!