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How to Use the Bounty Board


General Information:

To join the Bounty Board you must be sent a join email.

Claim whichever bounty you’d like and earn cash!

Claim one bounty at a time and complete claimed bounties to earn cash.

Some cards may have several people on it. These are sometimes calle "Group" cards, or tasks. The payout is finalized when the card is finished.

Payouts for the previous month will be processed at the beginning of each month.

Bounty Board Quick-Start:

Step 1: Select a bounty you'd like to claim. Add yourself to the card and drag the card to the "In Progress" status.

Step 2: Once completed, drag the card to the "Pending Review" status and wait to see if it is approved or needs more work.

Step 3: You may only take what you are qualified to take. Example: builders takes a builder card, touch upppers take touch up cards, modeler/animators only take modeler/animation cards, etc.

For the in-depth Bounty Board rules, see Bounty Board Rules. (PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES)